Damn blood experiments, Why not water?! WSQ05

So some psychopatic scientist named (Farengeith… farenheight… Farentsomething) had the brilliant idea -note sarcasm- to experiment boiling blood, yup, he used human blood to state a scale for temperature; was not easier water? please? like Kalvin or Celcius, well, no problem.

So I was asked to do a program that convert Farensomething ° to Celcius °, pretty simple isn’t it? Well, I am a stubburn,


so I complicate my life with 3 key points:

  • Celcius to Farensomething and vice versa according to the choice of the user
  • ONLY numbers
  • GIve the user the posibility to start again

I based on another program I’ve done for the second and last key point:

https://charliegdrummer.wordpress.com/2015/09/01/first-code-of-the-semester-wsq03/choice while

The first part, Celcius-Farensomething and viceversa was pretty easy:


Toooo easy

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